What Healthy Looks Like: Are You in a Safe Relationship? Take the Quiz and Find Out

Far too many of us are bound in relationships where we think everything is okay—until it isn’t. We may not realize how unsafe or dangerous our relationship is until we’re deep in it, with little clarity on how we got there. Sometimes, the warning signs are clear, but more often, they’re subtle and easy to dismiss. A shove here, a push there, a casual name-calling incident that escalates over time. Or, it could be the less obvious things—the constant questioning of whether a partner crosses boundaries or the nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right.

And here’s the hard truth: too many of us simply lack the knowledge to know whether our relationships are in the “red zone.” Sometimes, it’s not a matter of glaring red flags but something softer, maybe pink. Pink flags we ignore, thinking, “It’s not that bad,” or “Maybe I’m just being too sensitive.” But these subtle signs are just as dangerous and can quickly spiral into a situation where we no longer feel safe or valued.

That’s why we’ve designed the Are You in a Healthy Relationship Quiz—because we all need to know. Whether it’s a gut feeling or a nagging doubt, or simply wanting to check in with yourself and your partner, this quiz is here to provide clarity.

Understanding the Red Flags—Or Pink Ones

Not all warning signs scream at us in flashing red lights. In fact, many of the early signals of an unhealthy relationship can appear minor or excusable, especially in the beginning. A playful shove might seem harmless at first. A sarcastic insult might be brushed off as a joke. But these small, seemingly insignificant behaviors can often lead to more serious forms of abuse—emotionally, mentally, and physically.

It might start as a subtle disrespect or constant criticism, disguised as humor or concern. Perhaps it’s a partner checking your phone, controlling where you go or who you’re with, in the name of “love” or “protection.” Sometimes, these things are so gradual that by the time you realize something’s wrong, you’re already deep in a dangerous situation.

But it’s not always this obvious. What if you’re in a relationship that feels good, but something just feels… off? It’s not necessarily that your partner is doing something clearly wrong, but there’s this nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something’s not quite right. Are your needs really being met? Are your boundaries being respected? Or is there something missing that you can’t quite put your finger on?

No matter where you are in your relationship, one thing is certain: we all need to know whether we’re in a healthy relationship or not. And knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships could be the key to preventing future harm, recognizing when things need to change, and ensuring you’re on the right path.

Healthy Relationships Aren’t Always Obvious—But You Deserve to Know

Sometimes, we think we’re in a healthy relationship because it doesn’t seem bad. There’s no glaring abuse, no overt mistreatment, so everything must be okay, right? But a relationship that’s truly healthy is about much more than just the absence of conflict. It’s about trust, respect, communication, and boundaries. It’s about feeling safe and valued, being able to express your thoughts and needs without fear of judgment or retaliation.

At the same time, we might be so accustomed to unhealthy behaviors that we don’t recognize them as such. Maybe we grew up in a household where name-calling or dismissive behavior was the norm. Or maybe we’ve been in past relationships where controlling behavior was mistaken for affection. These experiences can cloud our understanding of what a truly healthy relationship looks like.

This is exactly why we created the What Healthy Looks Like Quiz. It’s designed to give you the clarity you deserve, whether you’re looking to do a quick pulse check or trying to figure out if something feels off. Maybe you’re simply wondering if there’s room to improve or ways to take your relationship to the next level. This quiz is a tool to help you assess where you stand and identify any red (or pink) flags along the way.

Why Take the Quiz? What Do You Have to Lose?

The truth is, understanding whether you’re in a healthy or unhealthy relationship is one of the most important steps you can take for yourself. Healthy vs. unhealthy relationships affect every aspect of our well-being—emotionally, mentally, and even physically. When we’re in a healthy relationship, we flourish. We feel supported, heard, and respected. But in an unhealthy relationship, we shrink, questioning our worth, our feelings, and sometimes even our safety.

The Are You in a Healthy Relationship Quiz is here to help you:

  • Gain clarity about the dynamics of your relationship.
  • Recognize red flags and unhealthy behaviors early on.
  • Improve your relationship by identifying areas where things could be better.
  • Empower yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your future.

Whether you’re in a committed relationship, just started dating, or have been married for years, it’s always a good time to check in and make sure things are truly as healthy as they seem. And if they aren’t, this quiz can be the first step in recognizing what needs to change and how to take action.

What do you have to lose? And more importantly, what do you have to gain? The answer could be everything. Your safety, your happiness, your future. Taking just a few minutes to gain that insight could save you from months, even years, of pain or confusion.

Take the Quiz Now

It’s time to stop wondering and start knowing. Whether you’re looking for a simple pulse check or you’re starting to question the health of your relationship, the Are You in a Healthy Relationship Quiz is here to give you the answers. You deserve to feel safe, loved, and respected—and you deserve to know if that’s really what you’re getting in your relationship.

Take the Quiz Now and gain the clarity you’ve been searching for. You owe it to yourself to know the truth—because your relationship could be everything you’ve ever wanted… or everything you didn’t realize you needed to walk away from.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take the quiz today and find out: What Healthy Looks Like.